Hereafter Hedgerley Memorial Hall shall be referred to as ‘HMH’ and the hirer named on the Booking form as ‘the Hirer’.
1. Booking
All applications for the hire of HMH must be made through the Booking Secretary. The person named on the booking form shall be considered the hirer. Where an organisation is named, the person signing hereby confirm that they do so with full authority of the organisation. The Hirer must be over 18 years of age.
2. Deposit
Any deposit required must be paid at the time of application and no engagement will be booked until this has been received. The booking deposit is refundable subject to satisfactory inspection of the building by the HMH committee. The deposit will be £100.00
3. Safety
It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that all his/her guests are aware of the Fire Exits for the duration of their booking.
4. Hire Charges
The hire charges shall be those shown on the booking form and determined by the HMH committee. The hire charges to be paid should reach the Booking Secretary at least one month before the booking date.
5. Cancellation
In the event of cancellation less than 7 days before the booking date, an administration charge of £16.50 will be deducted from the deposit monies.
6. Right of Refusal
HMH may refuse any application for the hire of the building without stating a reason. Village organisations shall have priority over other bookings, but no organisation shall be deemed to have an undisputed right to an unbreakable series of bookings. In case of doubt or difficulty the Booking Secretary shall refer the case to the HMH Committee whose decision will be final.
7. Alcohol
Alcoholic drinks may be served FREE but NO SALE of alcoholic drinks may be undertaken unless permission is sought from the HMH Committee in the first instance, subject to approval a TEN (Temporary Events Notice) then needs to be obtained from South Bucks District Council.
8. Entertainment, Music & Dancing
All conditions attached to the HMH Licence for the building should be observed. A copy of which can be seen on application to HMH and the Hirer shall be deemed to have had notice of all such conditions. All music must cease at 23:00 and the hall must be vacated by midnight. Note that any Hirer wishing to extend these hours, must seek permission from HMH in the first instance, subject to approval a TEN (Temporary Events Notice) needs to be obtained from South Bucks District Council. A copy of the TEN must then be delivered to the Booking Secretary at least one week prior to the booking date. In all situations, without HMH’s permission, any TEN is superceded by HMH’s Terms & Conditions.
9. Other Licenses, Performing Rights Society
HMH has a PRS licence for theatrical, ballet, operatic and choral performances.
10. Occupation & Use
The hire of the building is for the specific times agreed on the booking form and does not entitle the Hirer to use or enter the premises at any other time. The building shall only be used for lawful activities. HMH does not promote that the building is suitable for any particular purpose and the Hirer must satisfy themselves in this respect.
11. Sub-Let
The Hirer shall not sublet the building or any part thereof.
12. Advertising
All advertising of events shall conform to the terms and conditions of hire. Advertising includes posters, newspaper and magazine inserts, radio and television announcements, social media, websites and all other forms of media. Advertising which contravenes the conditions of hire may result in the forfeit of deposit.
13. Breakages & Damages
The Hirer is responsible for all damage to the building, equipment, furniture and property in the building and grounds occurring during the period of the hire or while persons are entering or leaving the building pursuant to the hire, however and whomsoever caused. The Hirer will be responsible for replacement ‘as new’ of any equipment, furniture or property and for the full cost of making good any damage to the building, fixtures and fittings.
14. Culpability
With the exception of negligence on the part of HMH, HMH shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury which maybe incurred arising out of the hiring, or be done to or happen to, any person or persons using the building during the hiring, arising from any cause whatsoever or for any loss or breakdown of machinery, failure or supply of electricity, leakage of water, fire, government restriction or act of God which may cause the building to be temporarily closed or the hiring to be interrupted or cancelled. The Hirer shall indemnify HMH against any claim which may arise out of the hiring or which may be made by any person using the building during the hiring in respect of any loss, damage or injury.
15. Right of Entry
The right of entry to the building is reserved to HMH and any other agent of HMH and any police officer at any time during the hiring.
16. Conduct & Good Order
The Hirer shall ensure that good order is kept in the building during the hiring. The Hirer will also ensure that those attending the engagement maintain good order during arrival and departure from the building. At all times the Hirer will take reasonable care to ensure that the occupants of neighbouring properties are not inconvenienced by noise, obstruction, vehicles and the like.
17. Cessation of Activity
HMH reserves the right to terminate any entertainment or meeting not properly or reasonably conducted.
18. Condition on Vacation
On vacation of the building, the Hirer shall leave the building in a clean and orderly state and all empty bottles, cans, paper, food debris and any other waste matter must be cleared from the building and suitably disposed of in the receptacles provided. The hall, kitchen and cloakrooms must also be left as found, in a clean and tidy condition. The deposit monies will be refunded after a satisfactory inspection of the building by a member of HMH Committee.
19. No Additions to the Building
No fixtures or fittings of any kind shall be attached to any part of the building nor shall any placard or other articles fixed hereto.
20. Animals
The Hirer shall ensure that no animals except guide dogs are brought into the premises.
21. Property
Property belonging to the Hirer must be removed from the building within 15 minutes after the expiration of the hire term.
22. Signage
HMH shall remove any sign, flag, emblem or other decoration displayed by the Hirer outside or inside the building if in the opinion of HMH it shall be unseemly or expose the building to an undue risk of fire or in the opinion of HMH is likely to lead to disturbance or a breach of the peace.
23. Fire Exits
No exits may be blocked, chairs or other obstructions must not be placed in the hallway or fire appliances removed or tampered with.
24. Lighting
No additional lights or extension from the existing light fittings shall be used without the previous consent of HMH.
25. Stage Shows
Any show involving the use of scenery or the like on stage is subject to the inspection and approval 14 days prior to the engagement by the local Authority and if appropriate, Fire Brigade. Evidence of such approval must be provided to HMH.
26. Capacities
The maximum number of persons allowed in the building at any one time is 100, with a maximum of 80 if seated.
27. Smoking
Smoking is NOT permitted in any part of the building at ANY time.
28. Keys
Keys must be returned to the booking secretary immediately after the event.
29. Hire Period
The hire period is the times that the hirer commences and finishes using the hall. It includes the time taken for setting up and clearing up.